Friday, July 20, 2007

the past week..blah blah blah

finally found time to blog after so long. i'm so tired cause of school, i'm really fatigued. during religious harmony week i realised something really strange. Singaporeans tend to confuse Tamil with Hindi and banghra music. this is really pissy cause when my school played some tamil music some jackasses in my class were like naveen your language. well firstly i dont noe anyone ever in my family who can speak tamil let alone understand it. The only non english music i listen too is spanish(mum) hindhi but more punjabi music and chinese music so yeah tamil isnt included. however one thing Singaporeans should get into their head is that tamil is like a dialect it is not the national language of india. its like Cantonese is the dialect used in canton province and Mandarin in the national language its just the same with hindhi and tamil so dudes next time u see an indian dont be quick to assume that he understands tamil or in my case dont be quick to assume that i understand any language at all accept English so yeah. this week i guess was okay here are the hi-lights,
monday- training
tues- cant rmbr what happened
weds-training then met shermaine
thurs- was a screwed up day
fri- okay- went for barker invest- miss the good old days- shermaine- treasurer and kd- prez of mrc

tmr- have to go for ndp rehearsal- i cant even skip even when my leg is injured so its looks like i have to buy a brace before going to take pressure of my knee- stupid china guy who cant play hockey for nuts. next time when someone gets past u dont swing your bloody stick like a joke- that'll do u wonders honest. before i go i got one thing that has bugging me- Can Singapore's society handle mavericks bohemians and social activists. when i come up with a fairly good reason that it can i'll post it.

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